
Six Key Themes Guiding MADET’s Strategic Plan 2023 – 2027

1. A Facilitating Umbrella Organization

Makueni Development Trust (MADET) is a facilitating umbrella organization, focusing on community organizations and local civil society entities, rather than operating as a project or donor. Its identity, mandate, vision, mission, and core values are clearly defined to avoid misconceptions and to promote an accurate understanding of its goals.

2. Institutional Development and Capacity Strengthening

MADET shall undertake to strengthen its internal capacities to effectively engage with development stakeholders, ensuring sustainable and resilient development. This shall include enhancing internal clarity and capabilities among the Board and staff, executing communication strategies for branding and visibility, strengthening internal structures and processes, and enhancing understanding of citizen engagement. Additionally, MADET shall strengthen the capacities of local civil society, faith-based, private sector, and community organizations in Makueni County through capacity assessments, and improved knowledge transfer on citizen engagement.

3. Knowledge Development, Management, and Policy Influencing

MADET shall focus on adaptive research and knowledge development to influence policies at the county and national levels. This will entail facilitating interactive engagement with community organizations and development stakeholders in Makueni County. Furthermore, MADET shall strengthen advocacy, lobbying, and knowledge development within itself and among local civil society entities by conducting research at the community level, packaging the insights and sharing them with stakeholders to formulate evidence-based policies and knowledge base.

4. Partnership Development and Management

MADET shall develop and manage partnerships for quality engagement establishing criteria for active membership with local organizations, and designing performance benchmarks and partnership charters to strengthen institutional capacity.

5. Resource Mobilization and Divergent Grant Management

MADET shall engage in resource mobilization and divergent grant management to secure funding for projects. This shall include developing and implementing effective resource mobilization strategies, and grant management mechanisms, as well as diversifying funding options to secure long-term opportunities.

6. Strategy Execution, Monitoring and Reporting

MADET’s strategic plan for 2023-2027 shall be executed through annual implementation plans, involving the Secretariat and Ward Champions in strategy development and monitoring. Performance shall be tracked with quarterly reviews by the CEO reporting to the Board of Trustees twice a year culminating in an annual report submitted to the same Board.

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